
經銷商 | 聯系方式 | 價格 |
艾得訊科技 | 15989850117、189 2340 0896、0755-83668780 | 面議 |
AD-V16×8 |
AD-V64×16 |
AD-V16×16 |
AD-V64×32 |
AD-V24×16 |
AD-V64×64 |
AD-V32×8 |
AD-V96×32 |
AD-V32×16 |
AD-V96×96 |
AD-V32×32 |
AD-V128×16 |
AD-V48×16 |
AD-V128×32 |
AD-V48×32 |
AD-V128×64 |
AD-V48×48 |
AD-V128×128 |
視頻矩陣切換器。是用于復合視頻信號的分配和切換的設備,可將32路輸入信號切換到32路輸出通道中的任一通道上。控制方式:面板/RS-232 |
Video matrix is a n inputs and n outputs video matrix switcher. ARDORSUN video matrix is capable of switching any one of n outputs. ARDORSUN video matrix allows front panel tactile button control or RS232 via PC remote control. |
產品特性/ Features
有斷電現場保護功能,能保存設備關機前的狀態; |
Power off protection to save the last work condition |
切換狀態的即時顯示,可以從前面板上直接看到當前的切換狀態 |
RS232 serial port for remote control via PC |
具備與計算機聯機使用的RS232通訊接口,方便聯機控制; |
Two kinds of protocols that can be chosen by user |
輸入路數: |
N |
Inputs: |
N |
輸出路數: |
N |
Outputs: |
N |
視頻接口: |
Video connector: |
視頻阻抗: |
75Ω |
Video impedance: |
75Ω |
視頻帶寬: |
>150MHz |
Video bandwidth: |
>150MHz |
供電電源: |
180~240V 50Hz 約15W |
Power supply: |
180~240V 50Hz |
RS232控制: |
DB9M接口(RS232電氣規范) |
RS232 control: |
DB9M port(RS232 protocol) |
外形尺寸: |
Dimension: |
重量 |
Weight: |